October Half Term - Creativity & Wellbeing Workshop Series
Would your child or a young person you work with benefit from some help with their self esteem, personal development and communication skills?
Following an autumnal theme and taking place at our lovely new studios in Ashburton, our sessions are designed specifically for young people with SEND or EBSNA (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Emotionally Based School Non Attendance) and delivered by SEN specialist teachers and EBSNA Practitioners.
Each workshop is limited to 8 places, all resources are provided and students will take home what they create.
How can creative activities be used to help children with EBSNA? (Emotionally Based School Non -Attendance)
How can creative activities be used to help children with EBSNA? (Emotionally Based School Non -Attendance)
Based on my observations over the first couple of weeks into the academic year, it may be helpful to gain some ideas on which creative activities can continue to help a child who is showing the early signs of EBSNA, or might be not able to attend school at all as a result of it. These exercises prioritise listening, with your eyes and your heart, for feeling and meaning.
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”
Helping young people with SEND or EBSNA to adapt so that they can make a gradual return to learning and find a sense of belonging; How the system and schools make learning environments accessible to young people with SEND or EBSNA; Schools and Alternative Provision working together through a new National Institute for Inclusive Education…
“It is better to begin the journey, make some mistakes and correct your course, than to wait until everything is perfect and never even start.”
The changing landscape for unregistered Alternative Provision, making places SEND children want to learn and know they belong, creative arts teaching for wellbeing, and cats who teach zen…