Jessica Scammell Jessica Scammell

This is our learning place.

I’m thrilled with how much we’ve achieved at the end of only four weeks at BCE! 

Privileged to be meeting, talking and sharing thoughts with amazing people in places and situations new to me - I’m noticing from a broad perspective the scale of need for the young people with SEND, EBSNA and health issues we set out to help in our original doodles.

Feeling joy in the simplicity of saying “This is our learning place. It’s made for children who until now haven’t been able to learn somewhere consistently. Here is our place for your children to belong in.”

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Jessica Scammell Jessica Scammell

What will it take to bridge the gap between children’s mental health and school attendance?

A new way of working together is the answer.

This week we’re so glad to be introducing our brand new Devon-based alternative provision, Beyond Creative Education. It's an offer like no other, designed specifically to support and provide education to young people with SEND, health issues and/or EBSNA (or showing early signs of it), to help them find a gateway back to learning, wellbeing and consistent engagement through our unique setting.

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Jessica Scammell Jessica Scammell

Free Taster Session! BCE’s Saturday Sessions for 11-16 year olds will begin in January

Enrichment activities for all young people who would like to strengthen their mental health and build a solution focused mindset will begin at our Ashburton Studio in January.

Our enrichment activities are designed by specialist qualified SEN teachers and transpersonal arts counsellors, to activate life skills and solution focused attitudes. We teach strategies for improved self-image and positive communication through creative expressive experiences, with the option to work towards recognised qualifications.

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Jessica Scammell Jessica Scammell

Are you waiting in the SEND system for diagnosis or support? Let’s start moving things forward.

Unfortunately, waiting is currently a huge, hugely obstructive, part of gaining support for your SEN child and/or the children you work with. I recently attended a consultation meeting where we were told for parents and carers of children with SEND, the waiting for a process to kick in is their greatest source of upset. Whilst parents and carers are understandably frustrated with waiting for processes to wake up, it is themselves and their schools which do their best to keep things moving for a child in ‘limbo’. It’s a huge ask of anyone, especially given the limitations we work within.

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