Who We Are

An inclusion service committed to helping young people find their way back to loving learning.

Jessica’s assistance was instrumental in helping our school to overcome the challenges we faced following the disappointing Ofsted inspection. Her unwavering support, expertise, and dedication were key factors in driving the rapid and substantial improvement that we were able to achieve. We are grateful for her contributions and are confident that our school will continue to thrive due to her guidance.
— Special School Headteacher

Jessica Scammell


Specialist Leader in Education

EBSNA Practitioner

Senior Designated Mental Health Lead

Attachment Lead

Designated Safeguarding Lead

With more than 20 years in mainstream and alternative education, Jessica is an experienced leader, teacher, facilitator and improvement partner, and Director of a SEND specialist service for children and young people with health issues.

As a Specialist Leader in Education who advises in primary, secondary, independent and alternative education, Jessica is fiercely passionate about access to high quality, inclusive education and personal development support for all students.

Helping students to negotiate the obstacles to learning through creativity, courage, curiosity and care, individuals build confidence and awareness, knowing that they belong and are valued. Jessica is committed to appreciating every learner's distinctiveness and unique start point, making her commitment to those individuals by striving to understand them and helping to create a setting where they love to learn, and be.

Jessica has grown a breadth of specialisms as Headteacher; Specialist Leader in Education; Leading Practitioner; Advanced Skills Teacher, Leadership Coach; Facilitator; Head of Nurture and English Faculties; Head of Drama and Mentor to Trainee Teachers.

Beyond Creative Education Limited (BCE) was founded especially for vulnerable individuals with SEND, EBSNA (Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance), health issues, anxiety, mental health needs and a history of low attendance, who wish to build confidence, inner balance and wider life skills through creativity. 

By building a personal framework for these skills, learners will be in a position to access education. The value that engagement in creative activities, which are scaffolded with reading for pleasure, language appreciation and high quality wellbeing support, is limitless. BCE delivers this offer through holistically structured, practical skill development opportunities which are blended hand in hand with the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Establishing the social and emotional confidence and balance all children and young people have within them, by building a tangible toolkit of personalised strategies, individuals can thrive in their own skin within their contexts. 

Jessica has a wealth of leadership experience in SEND alternative provision as well as mainstream education and holds leadership expertise in Inclusion, Quality of Education, Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Hospital Education, Nurture, Panel representation, Coaching, Outreach Services, Remote Tuition, Independent School Standards, Alternative Provision and Continuing Professional Development. She continues to be curious in her own learning journey and is currently pursuing the National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership. 

After 20 years in Education, Jessica's heart remains student focussed and firmly in the classroom and she aspires to promote belonging for all through practical leadership led by example here at Beyond Creative Education Limited.