What will it take to bridge the gap between children’s mental health and school attendance?

A new way of working together is the answer.

This week we’re so glad to be introducing our brand new Devon-based alternative provision, Beyond Creative Education. It's an offer like no other, designed specifically to support and provide education to young people with SEND, health issues and/or EBSNA (or showing early signs of it), to help them find a gateway back to learning, wellbeing and consistent engagement through our unique setting.

We know that school absence has risen in close relationship with rising levels of mental health issues. For example, a recent report from Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition shows that one in five children are currently persistently absent, missing 10% or more of school time (Long & Roberts, 2024) and 150,000 children are severely absent, missing over 50% of possible sessions, in 2022-23 (Department for Education, 2024). 

Beyond Creative Education is supporting schools to improve the challenges these young people and their families face and to bridge the gap between mental health and attendance.  

With 20 years of experience teaching and leading education in Devon, I'm acutely aware of the pressures and challenges leaders face in the region when supporting student mental health and low attendance, especially for those not quite reaching the Section 19 threshold and without EHCP or diagnosis. As an inclusion provision specifically created to support education providers, BCE will work hand in hand with professionals, along with families, to deliver bespoke, child centred, academic and creative packages in a new way. Leaders can be assured that all our pathways operate in parallel with ongoing developments to national frameworks.

The consequences of mental health-related absenteeism are profound and far-reaching. Missing school not only affects academic performances but also social development and emotional wellbeing. Long-term effects include lower educational attainment, reduced future employment opportunities, and a greater likelihood of mental health issues persisting well into adulthood.
— Jon Trew

Based in central Ashburton, our accessible, small and purposeful studio space has been developed specifically for young people who experience anxiety or struggle with communication and belonging. Here they will join in practical, skill developing and self-efficacy building learning, scaffolded by a project based curriculum that covers a broad range of subject disciplines, all delivered through teaching that will enable learners to make good progress according to their interests and abilities. 

For an introduction to our academic and supportive pathways, designed by SEND specialist teachers and leaders as well as transpersonal arts therapists, please get in touch or reach out by emailing office@beyondcreativeeducation.org . We'd be very happy to arrange a tour, to meet and talk about how we can best work together to move things forwards and work towards consistent attendance and improved engagement for young people with health issues. 


This is our learning place.


Creativity gives children the foundations to solve problems, explore freely and love learning.